Unrivalled Dental Education in the United Kingdom, we offer world class dental school entry courses in the United Kingdom.
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Undergraduate and Graduate Dentistry Interview Courses Overview
Our Dental School Interview courses have been created and constantly revised by dental students who have experience all the styles of interviews and have successfully gained places at various dental schools. Our dental interview courses are bespoke to ensure that you are fully prepared for your interview; know what to expect and excel at your dental school interview.
What you need to know of our dental School interview courses
*The MedScore interview courses stands out from all the other Interview courses, as our courses are led by university graduate students and undergraduate dental students who have experienced various interviews and have successfully gained places at dental schools. They provide us vital information required to tackle the interview questions.
*Some of our interviewers have previously stood at dental school interview panels.
*In term of our medical ethics seminar session, the content has been created and redrafted by the founders of the medical ethics society as well as by medical students who have completed a master in Medical ethics.
Popular Programmes
100% recommended, The ultimate practice circuit, consist of at least 15 MMI stations. The first hour will be lecture based, going through various contents such as NHS hot topics and Ethics.
Followed by the 15 MMI circuit, led by fully trained dental students and medics, packed with carefully tailored questions to tackle potential sections of the real MMI.
Here's what students have to say about us
Explore our courses
Check-out our dedicated entry to dentistry courses to fast track you to dental school. We provide courses for student at A-level and graduate applicants.
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If you would like to attend our events. You will find our training second to none.

The Medicine interview courses are created by doctors who have been at various medical school interview panels and participated in writing interview questions.

The personal statement services are provided by experts who have helped hundreds of students write excellent successful personal statements.

Specialised UCAT services ranges across all the sections of the test. It ensures you are 100% prepared for any examination. Limited in availability

Ideal for students who may wish assistance to help them understand the science behind section 2 and how to write high quality essays for section 3.